-A Project of Micah-Joel Tuhy (Poet in Residence) and Christopher Nelson (Blogmaster).

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Poet's Corner: Episode 7.1

(Programing Note):This is Christopher Nelson the editor of the Poet's Corner. This week Topher Tackman is back on the show and we always love having him. You know, Micah and Topher have such a great rapport that they recorded hours of material for this episode. They recorded so much great stuff, in fact, that we didn't want to try and jam it all into one episode. So we are bringing you just the first part of Micah's discussion with Topher this week. We will bring you the rest of the episode next week, after we bring you Micah's amazing episode with Jessamyn Luong.

So enjoy part one, and we will be bringing you part two of this discussion very soon.

Part 1:

As you read in the programing note, Topher Tackman is back on the Poet's Corner. He and Micah start out the show with an mesmerizing poem by Jessamyn Luong (Who will be featured in next week's episode of The Poet's Corner) called "Small-town bar after Illinois smoking ban". Micah also shares his poem "The Allure of Ashes", which was inspired by Jessamyn's poem. (Yet another programing note, Due to the subject matter which includes smoking and some adult themes, listener discretion is advised).

Part 2:

Have your oxygen masks close at hand, Topher will once again leave you breathless as he recounts his experience of combat and healing in his poem "Humpty Dumpty." Please be advised that there is some disturbing imagery used in Topher's poem.

Part 3:

In this final segment of the episode has the world premiere of Micah's poem "The Rebirth of a Tool and Die Maker" which was written as a birthday present for his brother. Topher also shares an incredibly moving poem dedicated to his son. As a courtesy to our listeners I will note that there there is some rough language used in this segment and some adult themes in the poems.

**Important licensing information: The Poet's Corner is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). However, from time to time some writers and musicians do not want to release their poems and songs as Creative Commons works. This means that while you are free to share the entire episode of the Poet's corner, you may not use some of the parts of the episode in other.

In this episode the poems of Topher Tackman are (C) Topher Tackman All Rights Reserved (used with permission by The Poet's Corner).**


  1. I love Topher Tackman, he's my mom's ex. I really don't like him. I miss Topher, if sombody reads this and knows him, please pass along my message, his writing is so deep. Love you Toph!!

  2. Oops, no, i meamt i dont like my moms NEW boyfriend. I love topher, hes like a giant teddy bear!
